Who can take part in the Science Jam?

The Science Jam is open to all researchers at any level who are interested in conducting human participant research along the theme of 'digital health'. We envision this being most relevant to those in the fields of computing and the social sciences but all are welcome.

I don't have any prior experience in this area is this event for me?

Yes! The event will be a great learning opportunity and working in groups and availability of mentors means anyone can take part and produce something meaningful. There is also an optional crash course on research methods in human computer interaction running throughout the weekend for those who wish to learn more.

I am a more experienced researcher what will I get out of this event?

The Science Jam will provide an opportunity to explore a new topic, research question or research methods that you might not have considered yet or not had opportunity to use yet. There is also the opportunity for more experienced researchers to sign up as a mentor to help those less experienced.

Do I have to be based at Newcastle University to take part?

No. The event is open to all researchers regardless of which university they study or work at.

What should I bring?

Please bring a laptop or similar device if you can. There will be wifi available throughout the venue. There will only be limited drinks / snacks available so please bring other food / drinks you will require during the event. There will be opportunities to go and purchase food from nearby outlets during the event.

When and where is the Science Jam taking place?

The Science Jam is happening at Newcastle University's Urban Sciences Building which is located on the Newcastle Helix (formerly Science Central) site. A map of the university showing the location of the building can be found here. There is no parking available on site but it is close to St James Metro station and city centre buses. The event will run for 9AM to 10PM on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December 2018.

Will there be food available?

There will only be limited snacks and drinks at the event so please bring food you will require with you. The event is taking place on the edge of Newcastle city centre so there are plenty of places to purchase food from if you wish to, there will be opportunities to go and purchase food from nearby outlets during the event.

Is there a cost to take part?

No the Science Jam is a free event.

Will there be an opportunity to present results?

There will be time for short presentations on the Sunday evening which will enable participants to share their results with others and receive some peer feedback.

How do I sign up for the Science Jam?

Sign up on Eventbrite here!

Science Jam is taking place at the Urban Sciences Building at Newcastle University from 9AM to 10PM on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December 2018.
Sign up now on Eventbrite

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